Wednesday, October 15, 2008

October 15th, 2008

The day before I leave for Ecuador(sorry about the italics I pushed something and now I can't figure out what it was. I clicked on the 'i' on the toolbar but to no avail). I'm pretty excited. I'm nervous too. I know a fair amount of spanish. I think it'll be enough to get me around for two weeks. Yesterday was good(haha, fixed the italics situation!!! Take that computer!!!). We did Period Historical in my make-up class and I was pretty girly looking. My partner was Ann Boleyn so that was fun. Otherwise I didn't do much yesterday(Tuesday's aren't my busiest days). I introduced my roommate Justin to old Clint Eastwood western's. I couldn't believe he had never seen "The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly"! Talk about deprived childhood. To be fair I hadn't seen it until I was about 20 or so either. Oh well. So yeah, that's pretty much my life(Why did I put that note in parentheses about the italics? I fixed the problem but if that's true why didn't I just take both comments about parentheses out? Hmmm...)