Wednesday, February 25, 2009

This one's for you mom!

So mom has been sending me subliminal messages(telling me I need to post more on my blog) to put more on my blog, especially since I'm unemployed it shouldn't be so hard to take a couple minutes out of my day to record what I'm not doing with my life. Thanks mom! I love you too...So, since mom is so interested in hearing what I have to say I figured that I would dedicate this blog to her! So here it goes:
Some people take for granted what they have when they think about their mothers. Earlier in my life I went through a few episodes when I thought I didn't really like my parents because they punished me for whatever dumb things I did. But in probably the last five or so years I have really come to appreciate what my mom has done for her 6 kids as they were growing up and now watching her interact with Grandkids and even with her own kids as they are older has given me a completely different understanding of her. Examples:
I went to church with Mom and Dad last Sunday and as we went to pray I put my hands on the seats in front of me and leaned forward just slightly. Mom was standing right next to me and saw that I was leaning forward a bit and as every head was bowed, every eye closed, Terri Brest saw that it was ok to push my left arm off the chair and I proceeded to fall into the next row in front of us. Not enough for you? Another example:
Mom babysits Tobin and Jonas every week. I happened to be babysitting Caleb on the same day as she was babysitting Tobin and Jonas and as the set of parents live only blocks away from each other I figured I would go over there and hang with the boys and Mom. While we were there Tobin and I were playing a game that consisted of me throwing a mini beach ball to him and then him throwing it back in my general direction(or not, whichever happened). Mom wanted to be a part of the action so she explained to Tobin that I was gonna throw it to her and she was going to LIGHTLY hit it to him. Tobin was ok with this plan and we proceeded. I threw it to Mom, as planned and that's where everything went wrong. Mom's idea of 'lightly' is apparently a little different from the rest of the worlds idea. As the ball left my hand I saw a gleam in mom's eye that I've only ever seen before she was getting ready to spank Katie and I knew that trouble was coming. She spiked the ball as hard as she possibly could right into Tobin's forehead! Before I could grab Tobin and get him out of harm's way she told him she was sorry and opened her arms up for a big hug. As children are natural suckers for this move he ran into her arms and gave her a hug back. She then looked at me and gave me a look that stood my hair on end and sent shivers down my spine. Needless to say I looked away to avoid the glance.
Fellow siblings, you are all shaking your head in agreeance as you read this because you know that this is all true and you can all see her doing these things. But one fact remains: We all love her dearly. There is no one like her and there never will be. I love you mom and I look forward to the next time where our paths cross and we make even more memories.