Wednesday, November 12, 2008

This is Jhoanna sitting on the top of her roof at her parents house...the background is Cuenca...Very lovely

Jhoanna's family...some of them

Back From Ecuador

It was an awesome two weeks! I met Jhoanna's family and friends and ate like a king for every meal. I went to the beach for three days and am pretty sure I got 7th degree burns...all over! It was pretty rough after that but I'm alive and kicking. It was an excellent experience and Jhoanna and I are planning a trip to Norway sometime next year. School is fun kind of. I enjoy my makeup class for TH&F and I'm getting pretty good at painting things on my face. Yesterday I painted a Super Mario Brothers mushroom on my face...It was pretty cool...I am applying at Wal-Mart in Lawrence because I'm very bored with just going to school so It will give me something to do. I changed my major to something I think I might stick with...FINALLY!!! I'm going to major in Sociology and minor in Theater and Film. That's about it for right now...Oh and I'm devising a plan to take over the world...I'll write more later...

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

October 15th, 2008

The day before I leave for Ecuador(sorry about the italics I pushed something and now I can't figure out what it was. I clicked on the 'i' on the toolbar but to no avail). I'm pretty excited. I'm nervous too. I know a fair amount of spanish. I think it'll be enough to get me around for two weeks. Yesterday was good(haha, fixed the italics situation!!! Take that computer!!!). We did Period Historical in my make-up class and I was pretty girly looking. My partner was Ann Boleyn so that was fun. Otherwise I didn't do much yesterday(Tuesday's aren't my busiest days). I introduced my roommate Justin to old Clint Eastwood western's. I couldn't believe he had never seen "The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly"! Talk about deprived childhood. To be fair I hadn't seen it until I was about 20 or so either. Oh well. So yeah, that's pretty much my life(Why did I put that note in parentheses about the italics? I fixed the problem but if that's true why didn't I just take both comments about parentheses out? Hmmm...)