Thursday, January 8, 2009

And now...A Relationship!

That's right folks, I am in a relationship with the lovely lady that you see in the attached photo. Her name is Kait Loney and she is 5' tall. She is very funny, smart, cute, and most importantly, she gets me. Or should I say she gets my jokes! We met Friday the 2nd of January and we stayed up until 6 am Saturday talking about any/everything and then Saturday night we met back up at about 11 pm and talked until about 630 am Sunday and she left Sunday afternoon. While back in Wichita with her parents she and I talked on the Facebook IM from about 6 pm to 2 am Monday. Monday evening we talked again from 8 pm to 230 am Tuesday. Tuesday afternoon I went to Wichita to meet her parents and her brother who were very nice and hospitable. I entertained them, as I am fit to do so, with a few short jokes and anecdotes of growing up with several of my siblings and my parents included. She said her parents liked me so I think I am doing well so far. I'm excited about this relationship as she is a fairly new Christian and will be an excellent influence on me. She goes to school at a College called York in Nebraska where she has a full ride scholarship for Soccer. She is a goalkeeper. Hopefully she will available to meet all family very soon. We'll see.

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