Monday, January 12, 2009

Thunderdome Round 1 for KtDJ!

I am no longer a Thunderdome virgin! This past Saturday night I along with my brother-in-law Jeremy Alexander, and friends Charley Belle and Jonathan Bender took the stage under the name of 'Kill the DJ'. Our format being long form with a twist...any character we created had to be killed in order for us to become a new character. The suggestions we recieved were the words 'yellow', and 'shark'. So we went from an American in Australia learning how to catch the illusive 'Yellow Shark' to a rather attractive secretary in the big house in the men's division. It was a lot of fun. I would say that was probably the MOST fun I have had so far doing improv! Between Jonathan's famous crab impression, Charley's frat boy and Jeremy's gay (guy?girl?) there were lots of laughs not only amongst the audience but amongst ourselves. There were a couple of dry spots here and there but overall I would say the best performance we've given between our rehearsals and the show. The best part about it was, we won!!!! It was an awesome feeling and I am looking forward to more of our rehearsals together and the final showdown. Good luck to all!

1 comment:

The Connelly Crew said...

That's awesome! Although my pride is tainted by the underhanded, backstabbing email that you sent to Dad. Shame, shame, shame.