Monday, January 5, 2009

New Year's

Happy '09 everyone! I'm sure this blog finds everyone doing well...I wish I had more pictures to post but I got separated from my photographer during the course of the evening so what is being posted is all I've got...It was a great New Year's Eve, I went to Manhattan with Luke and his girlfriend Veronica and we went to the Eve 6 concert...I saw a ladder going up to a roof top so naturally I climbed it to see what was up there and it was the sound crew...Luke and Veronica followed me and we watched the concert from the rooftop...Luke said the cops were watching us the whole time but must've figured we were with the crew...Moral: If you want to do something you're not supposed to be doing, look like you're supposed to be doing it and no one will know the difference...So since January 1 I haven't done a whole lot with my time. I used the Gift Card given to me by Jessica for Christmas to buy a Stephen King Collection which had Dreamcatcher, The Shining, and Shawshank Redemption in it...This was an awesome buy if you ask me...Shane and his girlfriend are in Texas vending T-shirts at the Cotton Bowl with her Uncle...Justin is in Germany with his girlfriend until about the 18th I believe and Luke works a lot so I've been catching up on all nine seasons of the Simpson's for the last couple days...You never know when someone will ask you some trivia about the Simpson's and you will need to know the answer...So yeah, I'll be putting up another blog soon about some exciting news but until I have pictures for it I don't want to write it. So, until then we'll see ya.

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